It must have been another month?

Certainly, if I’m back here again … good grief, the semester has been busy.  Life has been busy.  But I do have some knitting to share!

And lots of Walnuss-in-action shots! You ready?


This is how I wore it in Boston for a cocktail reception / intimidating event where I knew no one / awkward academic get-together.  It actually feels professional and I love the color: neutral but not boring.  And just variegated enough.

Also, it matches my fancy birthday dress very well.

And, even though it’s wool and all, the cardigan is much warmer than I expected.  Even the fingering-weight stuff keeps you nice and toasty, it turns out.  Without being super bulky.  Not so great for Nashville …

Photo on 1-24-13 at 11.07 AM


But.  We’re having a bit of a cold snap here, and so here it is: out this morning for a meeting on campus.  With my favorite scarf in the world, chunky baktus.

The shoulder pleats are really cute without being cutesy, if that makes sense.  And the yellow buttons are my favorite part.

Photo on 1-24-13 at 11.06 AM

See?  Variegated!  And kind of purple.  But also kind of charcoal.  It doesn’t quite know what color it is and I’m okay with that.  Because it looks pretty.

All in all, Walnuss was totally worth the time and effort.  I love it … and might have started another already.


2 thoughts on “It must have been another month?

  1. I LOVE IT TOO!! And the little yellow buttons are glorious against the charcoal-purple wool.

    (I can’t see the video, sadly. Love the idea of wearing a handknit to a cocktail reception. I would wear my smartest shoes and neatest clothes, and feel nervous).

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