24 hour party people

So, I haven’t done much interesting knitting.  I’m kind of in panic-mode over my up-coming exams (in October) and have attempted to channel this energy into knitting — or at least buying stuff related to knitting.  I got a rather spiffy pattern from WEBS: marianas top down sweater, "designed to delight".  Sounds good to me.  It’s intended for this lovely Rowan yorkshire tweed chunky that’s been sitting around my house:

It’s already been knit into three different sweaters and frogged each time … perhaps it’s just begging for the nautical themed pullover.  Unlikely. 


The yarn was just so flipping expensive that I feel I have to really, really, REALLY want to wear the finished product.  I guess I’ve kind of figured by now that nothing will meet these exacting (and mysterious) standards; I should just get it over with and knit something. 

Which is exactly what I’m doing with my lovely Rowan handknit cotton:

It’s color "chime" — why it’s called that I don’t know — a very mellow blue. 


It started life as a free-form cardigan for my sister, but has morphed into bad penny (by Stephanie Japel, in knitty), quite without my realizing it.  The yoke is almost done — just a few more inches to go.  The yarn is the thinnest I’ve used for something this large; the gauge is something like 5 sts = 1" using #5 needles.  I’m usually all for the instant gratification of chunky yarn and big needles (which does, however, lead to the inevitable: "Oh-my-God-I’ll-never-be-able-to-wear-anything-this-chunky-without-looking-like-an-elephant" hesitation), but I’m liking the smaller needles and finer yarn so far.

I think I might keep it; I had another project in mind for the sister anyway.  And what does she need a cardigan for in California?

I’m sticking with this one.  It will be completed.  Oh yes.