
So I was just knitting along on my Weaver’s Wool Mini Shawl (ravelry), which I started in a fit of copycatitis. It may be mini, but there is plenty of garter stitch to soothe the frazzled writer of dissertation-related nonsense.
I was even using up some stash yarn: Dream in Color Classy, Good Luck Jade. This yarn has already traveled to Germany and I decided it should travel home as an actual knitted garment.
It started life as a Clapotis, but was soon frogged, as I’d forgotten where I was in the pattern and had used needles a size or two too small. Most of one ball (all I’d used) was wrapped back up and left to sit for the next 10 months or so.
Obviously it was wound a little too tightly. See how the fabric gets all crazy bumpy and uneven where I switched in the new ball of (formerly frogged) yarn. Yeah, the yarn had lost most of its zip and squoosh. At this point, there were a lot of stitches going … and I wasn’t sure if I should rip or not.
But finally I couldn’t take any more of the bumpy messy stretched-out yarn.  It will get a bath or a steam treatment at some point.  Until then, I’m just going to use up the non-frogged balls.  It’s a mini shawl, after all.

DiC classy weaver's wool shawl

Big difference, right?  Yeah, I thought so.

One thought on “snafu

  1. What a great project! I may copy you and knit one, too. Too bad about the frogged yarn, but I bet a good steaming will do wonders.

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