so close

… yet so far away.
The last 75 cm are going to kill me: that is one long left tie.
In other news, I’m feeling a strange resurgence of my academic mojo.  Could be thanks to this article in the LRB (warning: Elfriede Jelinek is not for everyone — nor can the Austrian cellar story be painted as anything short of fundamentally disturbing and heinous — and the article is a bit graphic/profane).*  Or maybe just the result of some relatively stress-free yet productive days.
p.s. Seaming with mohair: not as bad as you might think.  Go figure.
* I try to keep the blog light ‘n’ lovely, but I freaking love Jelinek and her dark, dank writing.  Just saying.

One thought on “so close

  1. That’s a heap of purple loveliness! I fear mohair and anything with long ties. Youa re a brazen knitter.

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