so close. (edging : day 4)

So very, very close.

so close

Getting this far (50 more rows!) has taken me lots of World Cup games; one ridiculous movie, featuring Walter Matthau, Ingrid Bergman, and — wait for it — Goldie Hawn (who knew such a thing existed?!); and a full season (4) of Say Yes to the Dress, which was lots of fun until it got kinda creepy.  Apparently, happiness can be bought and it starts at $1800.

Anyhoo, [dismounting high horse] I’m very pleased that this project — already almost a year in progress — is nearing completion.  I’ve been feeling a bit guilty about all of the projects I have going at the moment: socks, scarf, shawl, and afghan.  Admittedly, not exactly a slide into knitterly decadence, but it bugs me and I’ve decided to work at clearing out the knitting basket this summer.  While also making a start on the EZ saddle shoulder aran.

Yeah, something tells me these goals might be mutually exclusive.

So to distract us all from that, here’s my adorable Alice doing what she does best: being very cute.

very helpy

very helpy

very helpy

4 thoughts on “so close. (edging : day 4)

  1. yay for you — and that lovely shawl. boh asked me to say hi to alice. and hooray for lots of projects.

  2. Yay! for being almost finished. Can’t wait to see it finished.

    I’m also feeling the urge to finish up a few lingering UFO’s though I have a few more than you. Whatever…

    Oh Alice, you’re so cute.

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