
I finished the body of the Citrus Yoke yesterday evening.  Tried it on and immediately discovered that it was too short.  Despite my zeal to be finished, I dutifully picked out the bind off and added an inch or so.  I also discovered that the rolled stockinette edge — although cute on the model (scroll down) and in the gallery — probably wasn’t going to work for me.   Maybe I’m just being pessimistic, but I couldn’t see the stockinette roll remaining so diminutive and flippy-casual.  I envisioned a huge sausage-roll slowly curling up my back, preventing comfortable lounging in chairs.  I might revise this prejudice.

But last night, in a frenzy of finishitis, I added a couple of rows of garter stitch to help keep things under control.  I was inspired by Cirilia’s garter welts on the Tilted Duster — after really no consideration on my part, I just threw in a few rounds.

just another cat blocking photo

Unfortunately, my impatience prevented me from adding *enough* garter rows — well, that and not wanting to add too many rows and subsequently mess up the casual look that I liked in the first place — which resulted in even more flip.  I did a little casual site-specific shower blocking (oops, later than I thought — sorry neighbors!) and left the edge to dry overnight.

I’m still on the fence about the garter edge.

more cat blocking

I’m not sure if the edge will stay flat or not.  And if it’s going to roll, I’d really rather have the plain stockinette.  I might just have to be a bit more aggressive than usual with my blocking (i.e. actually block the finished knit).  Until I’ve decided, I started on the sleeves.  We’ll see if I have enough yarn.